Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Where to buy

And, complete guide to Italy for a Chinese tourist is published.

Complete guide to Italy "Italy on the palm of your hand" is published on a Smashwords.

U can purchase it at Smashwords, at affordable price.

Just follow the link bellow:


Sunday, October 16, 2016

From the introduction

The mid-fourteenth century, Marco Polo, the Venetian merchant  together with a few friends performed on a journey that would take him to the extreme of the world known at that time by a European, or to China where he became a friend of Kublai Kahn. Three hundred years later it was the turn of the Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who reached Beijing where even became adviser of 'Emperor Wan Li, who allowed him homage for the first translation of the Bible in Mandarin language.

Many centuries after the flow of visitors has reversed, and in recent years Italy has become a favorite destination of Chinese tourists who spend in this Country nearly 22 percent of their entire stay in Europe. In 2015 the number of Chinese visitors came to the Peninsula in the center of the Mediterranean was 1 million 400 thousand, and everything suggests that this flow will continue to intensify.

This guide is designed specifically to meet the needs of the Eastern visitor: contains an exhaustive list of places to visit in the major Italian cities, works of art the most valuable, quick story hints, information on local specialties and the best restaurants Chinese zone by zone and ,finally  , the signaling of the best "outlet" where to buy luxury items at very attractive prices. It 'a job designed for the special needs of tourists who come from China, and that may prove particularly useful to make their stay more enjoyable.

About the Marko Polo's complete guide to Italy

Working for La Stampa, for a so long, as foreign correspondent, I came across to, so many cultural beautiful, diversities across the Eastern civilization.

One summer evening, in Calabria, having dinner with my friends we've realize that when most of the people from China or with Chinese origin came to Italy have a problem to organize their great adventure.

At that very summer evening, the idea of complete guide to Italy was born.

And we made it for you....

Giuseppe Zaccaria, the author

Friday, October 14, 2016

Coming soon

In the heart of Marko Polo's land of beauty

Ital Inter Media have published a complete guide to Marko Polo's land of beauty-Italy!

If you want to meet Italy, and you are from China or with a Chinese origin:

in her best look, to travel easy, to taste traditional cousin and to dress after the latest fashion styles then keep in touch with our tips and brows our complete guide that

Coming soon...