Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Roberto Bolle the art of dance


Roberto Bolle is an Italian ballet dancer, who is enormously popular in Italy for his beautiful appearance as well as his exceptional dancing skill with graceful expressiveness. He is regarded as one of the greatest danseur nobles and a reliable dancing partner with whom numerous leading ballerinas hope to dance. For his handsome features, perfect physique and great artistry, he is often likened to “Dancing Greek Sculpture”.

Roberto Bolle on Pinterest
Roberto Bolle was born in March 26, 1975 in Casale Monferrato, Piedmonte in northwestern Italy. Enchanted by the ballet scenes in TV programs, he expressed an interest in dancing when he was only five or six years old. 

At his urging, he began his ballet studies at a local ballet school in Vercelli at age seven. At the age of eleven, he passed an audition test and was accepted at the La Scala ballet school. He lived away from home and acquired both dance and coursework studies in Milan.

Bolle on Pinterest
In 1990 when he was 15, Rudolf Nureyef noticed his talent and chose him as the beautiful youth Tadzio in the ballet “Death in Venice” though this did not ever get off the ground. It was the event that made him determine to pursue a course toward a professional ballet dancer, he recalls.

Upon graduation from the school, he joined the La Scalla Ballet Company in 1994. After just two years, his performance as Romeo in “Romeo and Juliet” was acclaimed and he was promoted to a Principal Dancer by Elisabetta Terabust who was the Director of Ballet at the time. The promotion led to many opportunities to dance outside of Italy. Upon his international career began, he left the La Scalla Ballet Company at the age of 21. 

As a freelance dancer, he has danced regularly at his home theatre La Scala and throughout Italy, but he has also performed extensively in many countries by invitations of world-famous ballet companies.
He has been a Residential Guest Artist at La Scala since December 1998 and was promoted to Etoile during the season 2003/2004. He is also a Principal Guest Artist with the Royal Ballet, and a Principal Dancer with the American Ballet Theatre.

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Tags: Roberto Bolle, The art of Dance, La Scalla Ballet Company, American Ballet Theatre, bio.

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