Monday, January 30, 2017

'Vang Gogh Alive' in Rome

Vincent Van Gogh Self Portrait
Vincent Van Gogh Self Portrait
Google Art Project
Multimedia exhibition dedicated to Van Gogh, who with his unique style has laid the foundations of modern art. 
The exhibition Van Gogh Alive - The Experience will be open until March 17, 2017 at the space of the Palace degliEsami: the multimedia exhibition dedicated to Van Gogh, the great Dutch artist who, with his unique style, created the foundations of modern art.

A journey into the life and work of Vincent van Gogh in the period from 1880 until 1890, wandering through Paris, Arles, Saint-Remy and Auvers-sur-Oise, the places where the artist created many of his timeless masterpieces.

Synchronized with a powerful soundtrack, over 3,000 large pictures fill giant screens, walls, columns from the ceiling to the floor, completely immersing the visitor in vibrant colors and intense details that characterize the unique style of Van Gogh.

The exhibition uses the SENSORY4 technology, a system that incorporates over 50 high-definition projectors, graphics and multi-channel surround sound can create a multi-screen immersive environment.

Van Gogh-Sunflowers
Van Gogh-Sunflowers
Image: Wikimedia Commons
Great pictures, sharp and crystal clear, light screens and surfaces accompanied by the music of Vivaldi, Ledbury, Tobin, Lalo, Barber, Schubert, Satie, Godard, Bach, Chabrier, Satie, Saint-Saëns, Godard, Handel.

Till March 27, 2017
Monday to Thursday from 10:00 to 20:00
Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 23:00
Sunday at 10:00 to 21:00
Last admission one hour before

Palazzo degli Esami
Via Girolamo Induno, 4
Rione Trastevere (Gianicolo)

Key words: Rome, exhibition, Van Gogh.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Capri: from Rolex international regata to public talks

Rubens Santoro Painting of Capri
Rubens Santoro Painting of Capri, Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation,
(c) Museums Sheffield, Wikimedia Commons

Rolex Capri
International Regatta

From 5 May 2017 to 13 May 2017 (All days) 

Porto Turistico di Capri

Free event

Organisation: In collaboration with Yacht Club Italiano, Yacht Club Capri and Circolo Canottieri Aniene Roma.

San Costanzo
San Costanzo
Image by:

Procession for the Feast Day of San Costanzo

Celebrations for the Feast Day of San Costanzo, patron saint of Capri, with a procession from the center of Capri town to the village of Marina Grande.

Sun 14 May 2017
Time: 18:00

Ex Cattedrale di Santo Stefano

Free event

Saint Anthony
Saint Anthony
Image by:

Procession in honor of the Feast Day of Saint Anthony through the historic center of Anacapri

Tue 13 June 2017
Time: 18:00

Centro Storico di Anacapri

Free event
Le Conversazioni

Public talks with international authors on the Tragara scenic overlook at sunset 

(2017 dates TBD)

From 23 June 2017 to 2 July 2017 (Only on Friday - Saturday - Sunday) 
Belvedere di Tragara

Free event

Key words: Capri, events.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Archaeologists discovered a medieval horse's head at the Colosseum

Horse Skull found at Colosseum
Image credit: ANSA

Unexpectedly stumbling across a horse's head might not sound like a pleasant event - at least not to anyone who's seen The Godfather - but archaeologists were delighted with their find this January.

The find was made while cleaning the area around the steps to the monument's basement, Rome's Superintendent for Archaeology Francesco Prosperetti said.

The horse's skull dates back to between the 12th and 13th centuries, according to an initial analysis by an archaeozoologist.

However, further tests will have to be carried out to reveal crucial information about the horse's age, state of health, and to give clues as to what it was doing at the amphitheater. (The Local)

Key words: Colosseum, Italy, finding, archaeology.

Italy will host a meeting of culture ministers from the Group of Seven (G7) industrialised countries in Florence in March

Italy will host a meeting of culture ministers from the Group of Seven (G7) industrialised countries in Florence in March, Culture Minister Dario Franceschini announced.

Dante Allighieri Statue Florence
Wikimedia Commons

Billing the talks as a first for the G7 grouping, Franceschini said the March 30th-31st meeting would focus on the protection of cultural heritage, combatting trafficking of artistic and historic items and using culture as an instrument for dialogue.

It will be part of the preparations for a summit of the leaders of G7 countries - Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States - in Sicily at the end of May (The Local)

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Venice at dusk
Venice at dusk
Image: Pexels

威尼斯 (意大利语: Venezia, 拉丁语: Venetia) 是意大利东北部著名的旅游与工业城市, 威尼斯省的省会, 也是威尼托大区的首付。

同时威尼斯是亚得里亚海湾西北岸的重要港口, 总面积为414。57平方公里。
主城区建于离岸4公里长的海边浅水滩上, 平均水深1。5米。由铁路, 公路, 桥与陆地相连。本城市由117个小岛组成, 以177条小道, 409座桥梁联成以舟相通的一整体, 古时称为 "水上都市", "百岛城", "侨城"。威尼斯是一个很重要的历史文化名城, 威尼斯画派的发源地, 其建筑, 绘画, 雕塑, 歌剧等在世界有非常重要的地位和影响。

Coat of arms, Venezia
Coat of arms, Venezia
Image: Wikipedia
威尼斯的名字起源于罗马时代的居民"威尼提" (Veneti)。威尼斯于10世纪开始发展, 自9至12世纪发展成为城市国家之一 (意大利的海洋共和国)。因为威尼斯优良的战略地位, 它与拜占庭帝国及伊斯兰国家进行了广泛的贸易活动。

于13世纪威尼斯已变成为全欧洲最繁荣的城市, 而且在最强大的时期它拥有36, 000名水手来驾驶的3, 300个艘船。在14世纪前后, 威尼斯被被称赞为整个地中海最著名的集商业贸易旅游于一身的水上都市。

威尼斯从15世纪开始没落。当时它在保卫塞萨洛尼基时首次失利, 被奥斯曼土耳其帝国战胜。黑死病于14世纪肆虐了在威尼斯, 并自1575至1577年间高达五万人死于黑死病, 城市只剩下三分之一人口。

]克里斯托弗一哥伦布 (Cristoforo Colombo) 于1492年发现新大陆之后, 威尼斯逐渐失去作为国际贸易中心的地位。虽然拿破仑于1797年占领了该城市, 于18世纪时, 威尼斯也许还是欧洲最优雅的城市, 对于艺术, 文学及建筑都拥有巨大的影响力。
自18世纪旅游业已成为威尼斯经济发展的重要领域, 曾欢迎"状游"的欧洲贵族子弟来欣赏威尼斯特别的美感。威尼斯和附近的泻湖在1987被评选为世界遗产。翼狮是威尼斯的传统象征。
威尼斯水道是城市的马路, 市内没有汽车和自行车, 也没有交通指挥灯, 船是市内唯一的交通工具。
除了小艇以外, 所有交通工具都是禁止的。

在古老的城市中心, 运河取代了公路的功能, 所以重要的交通模式是步行与水上交通。
到达该水都后, 旅游客最喜欢的交通工具是一种最有代表性的, 当地特有的小划船:

Venice, Gondolas
Venice, Gondolas
Wikimedia Commons

"贡多拉" (意大利语: Gondola) 当地人主要的公共交通工具是机动的水上巴士, 意大利语被称为vaporetti。

To read more, just go here

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Venice Carnival, February 12: Water parade

Water Parade, Venice Carnival
Water Parade, Venice Carnival

The 'Festa Veneziana' – second part

12 February 2017 11:00 – 14:00

This is the typical feast for Venetians and for all the guests interested in local traditions.

After the opening on Saturday, 11th of February, on Sunday 12th February the water parade by Coordinamento Associazioni Remiere di Voga alla Veneta will sail along the Canal Grande to the folkloristic district of Cannaregio, where the audience will watch these unique boats and where the eno-gastronomic stalls by A.E.P.E., with the traditional carnival delicacies, will offer venetian food specialities.

Music and rhythm will accompaign the water parade.

Festa Veneziana timetable:

11.00 am: entertainment starts on the banks

12.00 pm: venetian tipical food and wine offered by A.E.P.E.

12.00 pm : Water parade by Associazioni Remiere di Voga alla Veneta

An event realized in partnership with A.E.P.E. – Associazione Esercenti Pubblici Esercizi and Coordinamento Associazioni Remiere di Voga alla Veneta.

Key words: Water Parade, Canal Grande, Venice Carnival, 2017.

February 11: Grand Opening of the 2017 Venice Carnival

The Festa Veneziana Opening
The Festa Veneziana Opening
11 February 2017 18:00 – 22:00

Rio di Cannaregio
Canale di Cannaregio

Fireshot: Map of location
Fireshot: Event location

The huge 'Festa Veneziana' that opens, as usual, the Carnival, doubles, offering a double appointment to the guests of Venice.

Saturday February 11th, from 6 pm, with an encore at 8 pm, will go on stage the show that combines wonders and emotions.

An outstanding evening show will bring music, rhythm, joy on the banks of Cannaregio, opening in the best way the Carnival of Venice 2017.

The show will be intensified by the dance and the music, that will produce a truly unique moment: you really cant’ miss it!

The Festa Veneziana continues Sunday, February 12th a water parade of various rowing associations and wine and food itineraries complete with Venetian specialties.

Key words: Venice Carnival, February 2017, Opening.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Venice Carnival 2017 introduction by Marco Maccapani

Carnival 2.0 (2017 edition) has already begun

Influential figures from a just-ended carnival directed by Marco Maccapani, who has new ideas for new projects in the coming months:

Venice Carnival
Venice Carnival
Credit: Carnival of Venice

First of all, numbers: 

More than 120 events in 18 days from 23rd January to 9th February subdivided into 30 events for children and young people, more than 30 cultural events, more than 200 artists and groups involved. 18 days of intensive programming from 10.00am to 10.30 pm (from Friday, 22nd January to Tuesday 9th February) both in the city’s historic centre and on the mainland. 

60 unparalleled events (theatrical pieces, concerts, dramatized itineraries, cinematographic showings, lessons) created especially for the 2016 Carnival by VELA and/or in collaboration with cultural and partner associations. 

97 events including even the replays – two-thirds of which with free entry. At least 8,000 visitors to Carnival exhibitions.

Especially when taking St. Mark’s into consideration. The Venetians reacted as I expected and maybe even better, thanks to the participation of artisans and high-quality products finally put on show. 

Over the last few days I have been moving continually about Venice, and have received a heap of positive comments, above all when I was at St. Mark’s. Lots of people underlined that there seemed to be changes in the air! A positive impression which has since been transformed into good answers and propositions from friends like Diesel’s Renzo Rosso and Swarovski, who offered to collaborate with the programme realization, starting with the next edition. I’ve got other connections in mind, which I’m going to check out. 

Obviously I’m always available to listen to propositions and ideas from entrepreneurs and sponsors who believe in the Carnival project. Thanks to all the artists who did daily repetitions of their acts. Thanks also to the “Stabile del Veneto” and “La Fenice” theatres who participated in events on show in St. Mark’s Square.’

‘Opening times in St. Mark’s Square has to be looked into – at least prolonging to cocktail time. Then depending on what’s available, I intend on expanding on the “Creatum” concept, focusing on each sestiere (i.e. city area), helping with flow diversification. To give you an example… the best will be at St. Mark’s, concentrating on jewellers, printers, and also lace-makers from Burano. In the other main sestieri squares (campi) I want to put the Venetians, their culture and their history on show.’

A sneak preview on the “Marie” competition. ‘I’m thinking about a big project connected to the fashion world. Something involving national TV that has already been organized in Rome. A fashion and charity programme permitting the Carnival to be a subject for gossip, all year round. Anyway, a lot of work which will have to be started as soon as possible. 

The mayor supports me, and within the next few months, I’ll ready to commit myself to this city. I’ve already begun work on Carnival 2.0.’(Carnival of Venice)

Key words: Venice, Carnival, 2017, Marco Maccapani.

More from Venice 2016 Carnival

In 2016, the beautiful masks was chosen also by

Claudio Mortini

Some by foxmania28

This year, maybe you could choose special moment to share from Venice 2017 Carnival

Stay tuned...

Venice Carnival is coming!

In 2016, it was like this:

Grand Opening 

In 2017 a lot of surprises waits for you to discover a world of magic under Venice famous masks!

Stay tuned...

Key words: Venice, Carnival, 2017.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

How to begin a year: Rome tradition, but for the bravest one!

Uploaded by Howto

A group of Italians plunged off a bridge into the freezing waters of Rome's Tiber River on Sunday (January 1).

The annual Tiber Dive has been celebrated on the first day of the New Year since 1946. This year four divers took part, some with more style than others, diving or jumping off the 17-metre high Cavour Bridge in the centre of the Italian capital.

Veteran diver, 64-year-old Maurizio Palmulli, known as Mister O.K., took his place for the final dive. He saluted the crowd after being pulled from the water onto a rescue boat after his dive.

Key words: Rome, divers, Tiber, Cavour Bridge.

Rome: The Biggest Lego City in the world.

Uploaded by Lambrettarossa80 
December 2016

Lego City, via Guido Reni 7. 

Till 29, January 2017. 

7 million of the famous LEGO bricks reproduce a unique city with all of its details, unique in its kind and for the first time presented in its entirety in Rome.

Designed by LAB Literally Addicted to Bricks, produced and organized by Arthemisia Group and Kornice and hosted at the Guido Reni District, the exhibition brings in the capital a great diorama (15 meters by 5) entirely devoted to the subject urban: an incredible project that takes name Booming city and that, with the meticulous precision in true realization of every corner of life, says the magic unleashed by the most famous bricks in the world, playing an entire "great city" in every detail.

Lego city, Rome
Lego city, Rome

Booming city, built in about 1 year of work that began in 2012 - with the pieces from the collection of Wilmer - arrives in Rome by staging all the creative talent of the LAB team.

Presenting not only buildings but also automation and lighting systems that create incredible stories that only these real "craftsmen of the Lego" manage to achieve: from cranes, elevators, theaters and art galleries, there are various mechanisms inside the city, like the train that runs around it and a colorful  wheel in an amusement park.

Key words: Rome, Lego, via Guido Reni.

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Angels Bridge, Basilica di San Pietro
Angels Bridge, Basilica di San Pietro
Credit: Wikipedia


罗马 (意大利语: Rome) 是意大利的首都, 同时是拉齐奥 (Lazio) 大区的首府, 面积为1, 285 平方公里。

罗马城市位于意大利半岛的中西部, 台伯 (意大利语: Tevere; 英语: Tiber) 河流经的七座小山丘上。


公元前2000年左右, 罗马人已居住了在这里。
该城市在公元前753年4月21日被建造, 到今日为止已有2700多年悠久的历史, 因此, 被昵称为"永恒之城"。
不管意大利首都有很混乱的交通, 但是在城市每一个拐角人能度过难以忘怀的时刻。



罗马一法林明高 "列奥那多一达芬奇 "国际机场 (Aeroporto internazionale di Roma, Fiumicino "Leonardo da Vinci") 和钱皮诺机场 (Ciampino–Aeroporto Internazionale G.B. Pastine)
在罗马 费米齐诺机场能坐"列奥那多特快" (Leonardo Express), 这是机场轨道连接, 直接到米尼车站 (Stazione di Roma Termini) 作为罗马市的主要铁路车站。

(约 32 分钟, 费用 14 欧元); 从机场到中城市还有很多条公共汽车线路。

坐出租汽车很有效但是它也很贵 (最少40欧远)
关于大巴的详细信息, 可查看网站www.sitbusshuttle.it和
关于火车的详细信息, 可查看网站
出租汽车的电话街头是068822 或 063570
在城市里也能用公共汽车, 但是服务不太效, 也能用有轨电车, 地铁和出租汽车。

地铁的线有两个: 红线和蓝色。


如果人想要乘坐公共汽车, 地铁或轨电车, 就必须买票。票在售票处能找到; 在地铁站, 书报亭, 烟草点, 都能买。


在罗马还有 "Open Bus 110", 它是一个开着的公共汽车, 那里游客又能乘坐公共汽车又能看很多罗马的纪念碑。红色的公共汽车提供耳机, 耳机用很多的外语。

"Open bus" 每一刻钟在VIA EINAUDI出发, 在Repubblica 站附近。
车票在Termini 站, 罗马 Coliseum station, 或在公共汽车里都能买 (持续的时间是两个小时)。

如果人在罗马碰到问题, 能找到很多的旅游办公室。

Lear more about in the complete guide through Italy:
