Monday, January 9, 2017

Venice Carnival 2017 introduction by Marco Maccapani

Carnival 2.0 (2017 edition) has already begun

Influential figures from a just-ended carnival directed by Marco Maccapani, who has new ideas for new projects in the coming months:

Venice Carnival
Venice Carnival
Credit: Carnival of Venice

First of all, numbers: 

More than 120 events in 18 days from 23rd January to 9th February subdivided into 30 events for children and young people, more than 30 cultural events, more than 200 artists and groups involved. 18 days of intensive programming from 10.00am to 10.30 pm (from Friday, 22nd January to Tuesday 9th February) both in the city’s historic centre and on the mainland. 

60 unparalleled events (theatrical pieces, concerts, dramatized itineraries, cinematographic showings, lessons) created especially for the 2016 Carnival by VELA and/or in collaboration with cultural and partner associations. 

97 events including even the replays – two-thirds of which with free entry. At least 8,000 visitors to Carnival exhibitions.

Especially when taking St. Mark’s into consideration. The Venetians reacted as I expected and maybe even better, thanks to the participation of artisans and high-quality products finally put on show. 

Over the last few days I have been moving continually about Venice, and have received a heap of positive comments, above all when I was at St. Mark’s. Lots of people underlined that there seemed to be changes in the air! A positive impression which has since been transformed into good answers and propositions from friends like Diesel’s Renzo Rosso and Swarovski, who offered to collaborate with the programme realization, starting with the next edition. I’ve got other connections in mind, which I’m going to check out. 

Obviously I’m always available to listen to propositions and ideas from entrepreneurs and sponsors who believe in the Carnival project. Thanks to all the artists who did daily repetitions of their acts. Thanks also to the “Stabile del Veneto” and “La Fenice” theatres who participated in events on show in St. Mark’s Square.’

‘Opening times in St. Mark’s Square has to be looked into – at least prolonging to cocktail time. Then depending on what’s available, I intend on expanding on the “Creatum” concept, focusing on each sestiere (i.e. city area), helping with flow diversification. To give you an example… the best will be at St. Mark’s, concentrating on jewellers, printers, and also lace-makers from Burano. In the other main sestieri squares (campi) I want to put the Venetians, their culture and their history on show.’

A sneak preview on the “Marie” competition. ‘I’m thinking about a big project connected to the fashion world. Something involving national TV that has already been organized in Rome. A fashion and charity programme permitting the Carnival to be a subject for gossip, all year round. Anyway, a lot of work which will have to be started as soon as possible. 

The mayor supports me, and within the next few months, I’ll ready to commit myself to this city. I’ve already begun work on Carnival 2.0.’(Carnival of Venice)

Key words: Venice, Carnival, 2017, Marco Maccapani.

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