Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Italy to hold China-Europe Art Festival in 2017

A yearly art festival between China and European countries will begin this year. 
Screenshot: Festival places (Virtuoso &Belcanto Festival)
It is meant to be a platform for cultural exchanges between the East and West.  

The first China-Europe Art Festival will take place in Italy, July 2017 (

July 16th – 22nd, 2017

A new Festival that binds the new Chinese musical frontier with the great Italian opera tradition in Puccini’s home town. 

The programme is dedicated to a large group of Chinese choristers that come from various university choruses and to a group of individual singers that will be selecting during the months running up to the Festival, all of whom will also be invited to various local events.

Chorus activities will be led by M° Ross Craigimile who is Chorus Master at the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania and Guest Chorus Master and Conductor of the Shanghai Opera House Chorus. 

He will prepare a grand final concert studying and preparing the pieces just as one would in the profession, using a series of techniques and the latest methods.

There will be several famous voice teachers and coaches who will prepare individual singers for a competition and final concert in which the jury and public will give prizes.

China-Europe Art Education Forum – July 19th, 2017

This event will take place in order to stimulate an exchange of ideas, teaching methods and research and create a bond between Chinese, Italian and European Institutes and Universities.

China-Europe International Vocal Competition – July 20 / 21, 2017

First round: During the Masterclasses, teachers will select 15 singers to enter the second round.

Second round: July 20th 2017: The 15 candidates will sing one aria from the traditional opera repertoire and the jury will select 5 singers to enter the final round.

Final Vocal Concert – July 21st, 2017:

The final round will take the form of a concert in which internationally renowned singers will also perform. The 5 candidates will perform one aria and the winners will be announced at the end. There will be 3 prizes awarded by the jury and one by the public.

The jury will be composed of internationally famous artists and organisers and might change between one round and the other.

China-Europe International Chorus Competition – July 20th, 2017

Each chorus will perform a programme chosen freely and with a maximum length of 15 minutes. There will be prizes awarded by the jury and public.

The jury will be composed of internationally famous artists and organisers.

The 2017 China- Europe International Art Festival Symphonic Choirs Concert – July 22nd, 2017

Grand Choral-Symphonic Concert.


Chorus 16th – 22nd July

Ross Craigmile

(Chorus Master at the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania and Guest Chorus Master and Conductor of the Shanghai Opera House Chorus)

Voice 17th – 19th July

Salvador Carbó

Elena de la Merced

David Rendall

Miquel Ramon

Guests opera singers 17th – 19th July

Giorgio Berrugi     

Elena de la Merced 

Miquel Ramon    


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