Friday, November 25, 2016

Lumiere at Piazza Re Enzo

Lumiere Brothers
'Lumière! The invention of the cinema 'is the title of the exhibition dedicated to the inventors of cinema Auguste and Louis Lumière, which opens to the public untill January 2017, in the underpass of Piazza Re Enzo.

Thierry Fremaux, director of the Institut Lumière in Lyon, who designed the exhibition, organized by the Cineteca di Bologna, in collaboration with the National Museum of Cinema in Turin and the Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique salutes all cinema followers in Bologna.

The screenings in Piazza Maggiore are free, entrance to the exhibition fee.

An event curated by the Institut Lumière which is for the first time beyond the borders of France. The adventure of the family who invented the cinema: Antoine, a painter and photographer, his two sons Louis and Auguste so capable that, even teenagers, take the reins of the family industry.

Statue of Neptune at Piazza Re Enzo
Louis was just seventeen, when invented the famous Etiquette Bleue, a photographic plate - very sensitive for the first time,allows to fix and reproduce the movement. And this was the begging of the European photo industry.In 1884, already has more than 250 employees. Those years painted by, the patents and inventions, competition between Europe and the United States; photography in movement as a subject of a relentless pursuit, whose epic story we can tell even with the help of the National Museum collections Cinema in Turin and the Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique. 

Who invented a cinematography and who knows the answer leads you to Bologna in finding the truth about.

Piazza Re Enzo
Till 22/01/2017
€ 10

Key words: Institut Lumière in Lyon, Piazza Re Enzo, National Museum collections Cinema Turin, Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique.

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