Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Virtuoso & Belcanto Festival-2017 China-Europe International Festival.

The Virtuoso & Belcanto Festival will take place in Lucca, a Tuscan city with a unique geographical position. It lies around 80 km. [c. 50 mi.] from the center of Florence, 30 km. [c. 19 mi.] from the center of Pisa and from the Mediterranean seacoast, and has history that goes all the way back to the Roman Empire. 
Screenshot: virtuosobelcanto
 Having stood as an independent republic for many centuries, it is universally considered to be one of the most beautiful Italian cities. 

Completely surrounded by fortress walls dating back to the Renaissance, Lucca has an extraordinary musical history as well, as the birthplace of musicians such as Puccini, Boccherini, Geminiani, and Catalani.

Teatro del Giglio of Lucca

The Virtuoso & Belcanto Festival and Summer Academy is a celebration of the history and musical heritage of the city of Lucca. 
Screenshot: Teatro del Giglio
Famous composers such as Puccini, Boccherini, and Geminiani along with many others, were born within its walls. 

Lucca and its theater also happen to be where Paganini became Paganini.

The Festival seeks to revitalise this unique musical heritage by creating an opportunity for young musicians from all over the world to come together with prominent international artists and teachers.

In this context, of pivotal importance will be the chamber music, in honour of Luigi Boccherini.

The first week of the Festival will be dedicated to the vocal and choral repertoire, seeing the realisation of the 2017 China-Europe International Festival. 
Screenshot: Virtuoso belcanto festival
The success of Virtuoso & Belcanto Festival first edition has led to an important partnership with prestigious Chinese cultural entities, who chose our Festival as their European partner. 

The result of this collaboration is a week entirely devoted to the Italian operatic repertoire, featuring a full schedule made of concerts, competitions, and other activities that will shape connections between Italian and Chinese Academic Institutions.

The programme of the Virtuoso & Belcanto Festival will include a rich series of concerts and presentations, including many performances by guest artists and ensembles in residence, as well as by our students.

The academic programme of the instrumental courses (July 24 – August 5, 2017) comprises two different categories of participation for musicians:

-advanced study of a solo instrument (in private lessons and masterclasses): violin, viola, cello, double bass, piano and fortepiano.

-chamber music study (ensemble coaching sessions, ensemble masterclasses): violin, viola, cello, double bass, piano, fortepiano, flute, clarinet, and French horn. (virtuosobelcanto)

Key words: Italy, China, art, festival.

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